??? Are you using translator or what? "Shut your trap"?? "Zavři svou past"?? By the way, nobody was talking to you, I was talking to anybody of SG! |
People! You talk all the time on Czech Chat! This is also CHAT! Why don't you talk here too? On the czech chat you always find something to talk about! Lidi! Na českém Chatu si povídáte pořád! Tohle je taky CHAT! Proč si tady nepovídáte taky? Na českém chatu si vždycky najdete něco o čem si povídat! |
Yes, I'm here. I don't know abaut what do you want talking... I don't know a good theme, but if you have some ideas, let's talk it to us! Oh, I'm forget to do some fings... Bye! |
=( (Sorry for spaming, delete my previous ones, pls) Hello! Is anybody here? Lets start talking about something! Bring in the topic! |
Oh, I red some previous posts. (The post n.199 xD). Yes, lets all talk! PS: I like this topic very much. |
Hi, guys! What's the topic at the moment? I can see only some not very senceful jabber. |
Well, I chat in English with strangers. And I think most of other English speaking people here have similar opinion. This topic is doomed. There will never be real chat. But few words from time to time can be useful. And now one paragraph in Czech for McKay.Patrik: Pokud používáš Google Translator, je ti to k ničemu. Automatický překlad je doposud nic moc, pomůže trošku porozumět, ale anglicky se s jeho pomocí nenaučíš a pokud ano, tak docela špatně. Při google překladu tento chat ztrácí smysl. |
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